Marine EcoSystems In Balance

How To Reduce Emissions in Marine Operations

In recent years, the shipping industry has come under increased scrutiny for its significant environmental impact, particularly in terms of emissions. With the world’s focus shifting towards more sustainable practices, there has been a growing need for greener solutions in marine operations. Fortunately, a new generation of fuel additives is coming to market and third-party trials show that they reduce emissions in marine operations and make for a cleaner, greener, more cost-efficient voyage overall.

Additives come in different forms, from fuel and lubricants to exhaust gas cleaning systems, and to varying extents, seek to reduce harmful emissions without compromising performance or damaging the environment. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of additives being used in the shipping industry and how they are helping to create a more sustainable future for marine operations.

If discovering the ways in which modern additives are revolutionising shipping piques your curiosity, read on!

The Need for Greener Marine Operations

The shipping industry plays a critical role in global trade, transporting goods and commodities across the world’s oceans. However, the industry’s reliance on fossil fuels has significant environmental consequences, including the emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) estimates that the shipping industry is responsible for approximately 2.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with this number projected to increase in the coming years as global trade expands simply due to increasing trade volumes.

As the world’s focus shifts towards more sustainable practices, there is a growing need for greener solutions in marine operations. This not only includes reducing emissions but also improving energy efficiency, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. The shipping industry has a critical role to play in achieving global sustainability goals, and modern additives are emerging as a promising solution to reduce emissions and create a more sustainable future for marine operations without compromising on performance if at all possible.

Modern Additives and their Role in Reducing Emissions (NOX, SOX & CO2)

Contemporary additives are chemicals that can enhance the performance of fuels, lubricants and exhaust gases. They help reduce emissions, making voyages cleaner. These additives come in varied forms, including fuel and lubricant additives, and exhaust gas cleaning systems. By significantly lowering harmful emissions, additives ensure performance reliability isn’t compromised.

  • Fuel additives are used to improve the quality of fuel and aid efficient combustion leading to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases (NOX, SOX & CO2).
  • Lubricant additives are used to improve the performance of the engine and reduce wear and tear, leading to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.
  • Exhaust gas cleaning systems, also known as scrubbers, are used to clean exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere, reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants.

Technology Reduces Emissions

There are several approaches and technologies used in marine operations to reduce emissions and promote a cleaner voyage. These include:

Fuel Additives

Fuel additives are chemical substances that are added to fuel to improve its quality and performance. There are several types of fuel additives used in marine operations, including:

  • Biodiesel: Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils or animal fats. It can be blended with traditional diesel fuel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve fuel efficiency, and reduce air pollution.
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG): LNG is a natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state for transportation and storage. It is a cleaner-burning fuel than traditional diesel fuel, producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants.
  • Hydrogen: Hydrogen is a clean-burning fuel that can be used in fuel cells to produce electricity. It produces no greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants when burned, making it an ideal fuel for marine operations.
  • Fuel additives to improve combustion efficiency: There are several fuel additives that can be added to traditional diesel fuel to improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. These include cetane improvers, oxygenates, and combustion catalysts.

Lubricant Additives

Lubricant additives are chemical substances that are added to engine oil to improve the performance of the engine and reduce wear and tear. There are several types of lubricant additives used in marine operations, including:

  • Friction modifiers: Friction modifiers reduce friction between engine parts, leading to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.
  • Viscosity modifiers: Viscosity modifiers improve the flow of engine oil, reducing wear and tear on the engine and improving fuel efficiency.
  • Detergents and dispersants: Detergents and dispersants keep engine parts clean and prevent the buildup of deposits, leading to improved engine performance and reduced emissions.

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

Exhaust gas cleaning systems, also known as scrubbers, are used to clean exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere. There are two types of scrubbers used in marine operations:

  • Open-loop scrubbers: Open-loop scrubbers use seawater to clean exhaust gases, releasing the cleaned water back into the ocean. While open-loop scrubbers are effective at reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants, they have been criticized for their impact on ocean ecosystems.
  • Closed-loop scrubbers: Closed-loop scrubbers use a closed loop of water to clean exhaust gases, meaning that no water is released into the ocean. While closed-loop scrubbers are more environmentally friendly than open-loop scrubbers, they are more expensive to operate.

Benefits of Modern Additives in Marine Operations

Modern additives offer several benefits for marine operations, including:

  • Reduced emissions: Modern additives can significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, helping to promote a cleaner voyage and reduce the environmental impact of marine operations.
  • Improved energy efficiency: Modern additives can improve the energy efficiency of marine operations, leading to reduced fuel consumption and lower operating costs.
  • Improved performance: Modern additives can improve the performance of engines and equipment, leading to increased reliability and reduced maintenance costs.
  • Compliance with regulations: Modern additives can help ships comply with increasingly strict environmental regulations, reducing the risk of fines and penalties.

Challenges in Adopting Greener Marine Operations

While modern additives offer several benefits for marine operations, there are also several challenges in adopting greener practices. These include:

  • Reducing Cost: Some modern additives can be perceived as expensive to implement, requiring significant investment in new equipment and infrastructure – this is simply not true in some cases.
  • Compatibility: Some modern additives may not be compatible with existing equipment or infrastructure, requiring significant modifications or even replacement of equipment.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory environment for marine operations is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to stay up to date with the latest regulations and requirements.
  • Lack of infrastructure: Some modern additives may require new infrastructure, such as storage tanks or processing and possibly dosing facilities, which may not be available in all ports or locations.

Future of Greener Marine Operations

The shipping industry, like many other industries at this time, is under increasing pressure to adopt more sustainable practices, and modern additives are emerging as a promising solution to reduce emissions and promote a cleaner voyage. However, there is still much work to be done to achieve global sustainability goals. The future of greener marine operations will depend on several factors, including:

  • Advancements in technology: Continued advancements in technology will be critical in developing new and more effective modern additives.
  • Regulatory environment: The regulatory environment for marine operations will continue to evolve, and it will be essential to stay up to date with the latest regulations and requirements.
  • Public awareness: Public awareness of environmental issues will continue to grow, increasing pressure on the shipping industry to adopt more sustainable practices.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration on innovation between industry stakeholders, including engine manufacturers, vessel owners and shipping companies, ports, and national, international and coastal state regulators, will be critical in achieving global sustainability goals.

New emissions-reducing additives are shaking up marine operations.

Reduced emissions benefit marine operations and the planet

Several shipping companies have already successfully implemented modern additives in their operations, reducing emissions and promoting a cleaner voyage. One example is the Maersk Group, which has implemented several initiatives to reduce emissions, including the use of low-sulfur fuels, the installation of scrubbers, and the use of energy-efficient technologies. These initiatives have led to a significant reduction in emissions, helping the company to achieve its sustainability goals.

Another example is the Carnival Corporation, which has implemented several initiatives to reduce emissions, including the use of LNG as a fuel and the installation of scrubbers. These initiatives have led to a significant reduction in emissions, helping the company to meet its sustainability goals and comply with the latest environmental regulations.

Regulations and Policies Encouraging Greener Marine Operations

Governments and organizations around the world are implementing regulations and policies to encourage greener practices in the shipping industry. For example, the IMO has set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping industry by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels. The European Union has also implemented regulations requiring ships to use low-sulfur fuels in certain areas, and several ports around the world have implemented incentives to encourage ships to use greener practices.


The shipping industry has a critical role to play in achieving global sustainability goals, and modern additives reduce emissions.

Additives are emerging as a promising solution to reduce emissions and promote cleaner, more efficient, marine operations.

Although there are hurdles to incorporating greener practices, the advantages are compelling: lowered emissions, better energy efficiency and performance. The environmental cause is increasingly in the public consciousness, with regulatory policies driving organisations to adopt sustainable practices. To create a more eco-friendly future for marine operations, the shipping industry must continuously innovate and integrate greener measures.

For More Information On How Fuel Additives Can Assist in Marine Operations Compliance – Contact

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