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10 Reasons for an SME to go Green

Green Initiatives – Why they are just good business

Today’s global business environment demands a holistic to energy management and sustainability.

Even for a Small and Medium Enterprise, or SME, this requires the management and coordination of financial, environmental, and social demands to ensure a responsible and indeed ethical approach to the marketplace and it’s own messaging to ensure it’s ongoing success as a viable entity.

For sole traders, SME’s and larger businesses alike, if managed correctly, it is quite probably the most powerful tool a business can use to improve profits and operational performance in what we all know is a very difficult post-Covid environment.

Ten Rea$on$ for an $M€ to go Gr€€n

Here are 10 reasons why a green certification is not only a socially responsible but also a very profitable decision for your business.


Your market may be expansive with multiple competitors; however, how many of them offer similar goods and services … what if you could you offer sustainably as a key differentiator in the way you do business? By becoming green certified, you will develop relationships with sustainable suppliers and open yourself to an entire market of socially responsible clients and consumers … and help them feel better about the way they do business going forwards.


By moving in a controlled manner, over time, to more sustainable business practices, you are not only allowing your existing customers to lower their carbon footprint, but you are also gain access to new customers, and investors, who will only do business with sustainable companies. This will greatly increase profits, improving your company’s financial performance.

Once green certified, Skelligs Energy and SuperGreen Solutions can help you market your business as sustainable.


By decreasing energy and water costs, investing in solid capital projects for your business, and gaining new customers, you will see an increase in the bottom line. With increasing sales and lower operational costs, your business will become more profitable.

A SuperGreen Solutions Energy Advisor will visit your company and help you to understand the sustainability issues that you may face and where you may be leaving money on the table.

This will help you determine the best way to move to more sustainable operational practices over time and decrease these invisible costs and carbon footprint.


Becoming a sustainable business opens you up to a market of consumers who strictly purchase from green companies. And, with ISO 14001 Certification, you can demonstrate your commitment to a cleaner environment to both your suppliers and your consumers.


By partnering with our energy management service, SuperGreen Solutions advisors help you determine the aspects of your operation that consume the most energy and water and provide options both immediately and over time that will move your cost and profitability needle in a better direction. Once, for example, a new energy source is established to provide instant cost relief, energy and water usage can be monitored with user-friendly systems and change implemented over time to increase profits over time.


Customers are not the only ones attracted to green businesses. By getting green-certified, you are giving your employees a cause to rally around improving overall performance and staff retention.

You are also positioning your business as a more desirable workplace when it comes to recruitment.


No business was ever ridiculed for attempting to save the planet. On the contrary, choosing more sustainable practices often sets a business apart from the rest. The public now demands and responds positively to the company that commits to a sustainable future and even more so when they succeed in complying with internationally recognized standards on environment and energy management.


Decreased operational costs and increased profits combined with sensible investment programs to grow the company will make your business more valuable. With a green certification, you are setting yourself apart from your competitors. Should you ever want to sell your business, it becomes a popular marketing point and one SuperGreen Solutions can help with.


Research has shown that employees feel a greater sense of comradery and ownership by adopting greener practices in the workplace. They feel more engaged and with SuperGreen Solutions’ guidance, a sustainability committee made up of your staff to implement the operational changes to qualify for the green certification, you will have a winning combination.


When switching to eco-conscious energy sources, like wind energy or solar panels, electricity bills decrease exponentially. SuperGreen Solutions provides an energy audit that determines the energy usage for all aspects of your business and determines the best approach for green certification. Through our energy management system, you can control your usage on a daily basis.

Have you considered pursuing green certification for your business? If not, now is the time to make the move towards differentiation and market leadership. Subscribe to Skelligs Energy or contact SuperGreen Solutions to learn more about this creative approach to energy management, sustainability for SME’s and the benefits of ISO 14001 certification.

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